For Career Coaches

Understanding values supports career fulfillment, growth, and whole-person wellbeing. To ensure career satisfaction, helping your students, clients, and employees understand their career values and work-life balance priorities is equally as important as helping them explore their interests, skills, aptitudes, and personality type.
Our digital and hard-copy Work-Life Balance Assessment and Career Values Card Sort are engaging tools for helping your students, employees, or clients explore, clarify, and articulate their career and work-life balance needs and goals.
The Work-Life Balance Assessment

Meant for working professionals, the Work-Life Balance Assessment is an interactive tool that will help your clients or employees clarify and take action toward their specific professional and personal goals - moving them closer to balance, health, and fulfillment.
Grounded in the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, this tool emphasizes holistic wellbeing, and helps the user name what they need, at work and at home, to find better balance and thrive.
The Career Values Card Sort

The Importance of Values Clarity:

WellSort (formerly Balanced Card Sorts) was invited to contribute the Featured Article for the August 2023 edition of the National Career Development Association's (NCDA) Career Convergence Magazine, which highlights the importance of helping our students and clients identify and talk about their career and work-life balance values, and priorities.
This article was also the recipient of the NCDA Career Convergence Recognition Award in 2024.
"While knowing one’s values won’t alone help clients choose a career direction, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of what is held most important, both in work and life, and is equally important as assessing and understanding skills, interests, aptitudes, strengths, and personality type.
Values assessment and clarity should be woven into the career exploration work career professionals do with every one of their clients, regardless of age or career level."
- Anush Hansen, LPC, CCC, WellSort Founder