Meet Our Team

Balanced Card Sorts is led by a passionate and dedicated team of counselors, educators, career service providers and business leaders committed to helping people of all ages build happy, healthy and fulfilling careers and lives. 

Anush Hansen, Founder

Hi there! I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Career Counselor, former epidemiologist and public health researcher, accidental entrepreneur, and Founder of Balanced Card Sorts. I'll be the first to admit that I have a near-obsession with connecting people to resources that allow them to lead healthy, happy, fulfilling lives.

I own a holistic career and wellness counseling practice in Kennebunk, Maine where I support clients in finding meaningful, fulfilling work that also allows them to take care of themselves and pay attention to the other parts of their lives that matter most to them. 

I hold a Master's in Public Health and a Master's in Counseling Psychology. Prior to my role as a career and wellness counselor, I worked in university mental health counseling centers, community mental health settings, and in health promotion and public health research and evaluation, where I served as Project Director for dozens of mixed-methods research studies, and led the development of multiple survey and assessment tools. The combination of my training in mental health, career development, health promotion, and public health is what fuels my commitment to using a holistic, wellness-centered approach with clients, and helped to shape the development of Balanced Card Sorts products. 

I live in in Maine with my husband, two children, a very energetic chocolate lab/Aussie mix, and two extremely fluffy cats. Outside of doing work that I love with colleagues I genuinely adore, I enjoy exploring Maine with my family, taking advantage of our beautiful local beaches, getting cozy in front of the woodstove with a great book, and perfecting my favorite soup and home-made pizza recipes. |  Find me on LinkedIn   

Rhonda Senger, Sales Consultant: Higher Ed

Hi! I am excited to be part of the Balanced Card Sorts team.  My background is in business development and non-profits.  Throughout my experiences in both my professional career and non-profit work, I have always strived to develop strong business relationships built upon mutual trust, dependability, and integrity.  I have a passion for problem-solving and education.   When I paused my professional career, I led the creation of an educational foundation in my community.  

I strive for balance in my life and helping people find their balance is what attracted me to Balanced Card Sorts.  I like offering a simple solution to people who feel unsettled with their wellness, careers, and work-life balance.

I live in Maine with my husband and have two boys and a black lab.  I enjoy interior design, pickleball, and everything outdoors including walking, hiking, and anything to do with the ocean! |  Find me on LinkedIn 

Chris Wells, Web Developer

I am a co-founder at Redfin Solutions, a trusted team of Drupal experts based in Portland, Maine. We conceive, build, and support custom enterprise websites, making sure the solutions we deliver exceed expectations, with clients including Dartmouth College, Phillips Exeter Academy, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, MaineHealth, and MIT.

I oversee the development and maintenance of Balanced Card Sorts digital card sort tools, ensuring a reliable and user-friendly experience for users.

I give back to the Drupal community by contributing to Drupal core, maintaining Drupal contrib modules, speaking at Drupal camps, and mentoring other Drupal professionals.

When I'm not working, I have three little ones that keep me plenty busy!

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Whit Ford, SCORE Business Mentor & Advisor

I have been a SCORE Mentor since 2017, after working in Strategic Planning, Financial Oversight, Industrial Marketing, Software Development/Sales/Support, Adult/Secondary Education, and 25 years as a Maine small business owner. My undergraduate degree was in Applied Mathematics/Computer Science, and my graduate degree in Marketing/Finance. 

Other interests include playing Irish Traditional and English Country Dance music on flute or whistle, serving on non-profit Boards, helping local high school students with math questions, judging VEX Robotics tournaments, and conversing with friends in France to help each other improve our foreign language skills. 

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Nathaan Demers, Higher Ed & Digital Behavioral Health Advisor

Nathaan Demers, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist with experience in a variety of clinical settings including community mental health, therapeutic boarding schools, integrated primary care, and most notably college counseling. In addition to his clinical work, he has implemented a variety of programs at the state/regional/national level, and completed his dissertation on the construct of “maturity” with adolescent and young adult populations. For the past decade, Nathaan has been a thought leader, national speaker, and innovator in the digital behavioral health space, specifically researching and developing holistic behavioral health interventions for institutions of higher education. Currently, Nathaan is the Director of Strategic Partnerships with Mantra Health, the preeminent digital mental health provider bringing accessible, high-quality mental health and wellness solutions to colleges and universities.

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Rebecca Fraser-Thill, Higher Education 

I’m a Certified Career Coach, the Senior Contributor at Forbes on meaningful work, and owner of Fraser-Thill Coaching & Consulting, LLC. My passion is helping people create greater fulfillment and impact in their work through holistic awareness. 

Prior to taking my coaching practice full-time in August 2021, I served as a faculty member in the Psychology Department at Bates College for 18 years. At Bates I also led the design of Purposeful Work, an industry-leading approach to helping students launch meaningful careers. I deeply believe that students’ wellness and values orientation are foundational to their success in the classroom, on the sports fields, and in their campus and surrounding communities. I’ve witnessed the power of these fundamentals many times over. 

I live in a cheerful yellow house near Portland, Maine, with my high school sweetheart husband and two kids. When I’m not tinkering with my business, I enjoy walking, writing, and being silly with my family.

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Beth Corkum, School Counseling & Wellness

Hello! I'd describe myself professionally as a passionate educational leader with a background in high school counseling, multi-tiered systems of support and coaching. It's important for me to have a strong connection and sense of belonging with the humans in my life, both personally and professionally.

I thrive in environments where trust, respect, commitment and authenticity are shared values. I believe that kindness and gratitude have the greatest impact on all humans. I enjoy making a difference through learning, sharing knowledge and creativity.

I'm working towards wholehearted living through the balance of efficiency and order with growth, optimism, hope and vulnerability. My two daughters will tell you that "efficient" is my favorite word in the dictionary! When I'm not counseling at Bow High School, coaching youth sports or volunteering on committees of passion, you may find me mountain biking the trails of New Hampshire or coordinating gatherings with friends and family!

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Kristin Ryan, Independent Schools

As my CliftonStrengths assessment so accurately describes: I am a “developer” passionate about recognizing and cultivating potential in others. I honed this skill during my 20 years as an administrator at an all-girls boarding school, where I created leadership programming to give girls the opportunity to articulate and refine their values and goals, and to understand and own their leadership strengths as they worked on building a strong sense of self.

In 2021, I transitioned to the nonprofit sector - and Maine! - where I am dedicated to coaching mentors: helping them to notice, appreciate, and reflect back students' strengths and capabilities, to affirm and reinforce their confidence and healthy self perception. I love creating and cultivating authentic connections - especially when collaborating with other caring, compassionate humans. I am also a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach: Developer ▪ Individualization ▪ Arranger ▪ Adaptability ▪ Maximizer. 

In my spare time, I love exploring all things Maine (restaurants, running/hiking trails, the local art and “maker” scenes), long walks listening to podcasts (Brene Brown, Jemele Hill, Angela Duckworth, true crime…), and nerding out over fonts, hand lettering, and graphic design.

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Heidi Pauer, Public Schools

My favorite word is “possible”. During my 30 years of being an educator and high school administrator, I have always seen the possible in each and every student and colleague. I'm not afraid of trying something new, moving through uncertainty, and taking risks all in the name of creating a safe space for people to explore their authentic selves.

I had the privilege to introduce the Career Values Card Sort and the Student Wellness Card Sort with many of my high school students, and I witnessed students positively impacted by using the Card Sorts…their transformation through reflection was palpable. I knew I had to be part of sharing these simple and powerful tools with others.

Card Sorts also changed my own life by providing clarity to open up my world as a mixed media artist. I blend my creative passions of theater, visual arts, music, poetry, and dance to empower others.

I've been known to give out free hugs, love to laugh, and am most at home in the mountains.

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"In addition to giving students autonomy in their wellness journey, this program elevated staff and faculty's view on how they might encourage and facilitate the well-being of students."

- Kaye Godbey, Coordinator of Wellness Programs, Marshall University

Marshall University Case Study

An engaging solution that promotes well-being at both the individual student and campus-wide level.

How it works:

  • Interactive Card Sort Activity:

    Using our simple digital platform, students sort 35 wellness priority cards, each grounded in the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, to help them clarify and articulate their mental health and well-being priorities.

  • Downloadable Workbook:

    Students receive a digital workbook, which guides them through developing a self-care action plan, highlights your school’s wellness resources, and encourages them to reach out for support.

  • Aggregate Data Insights:

    You'll receive aggregate data insights into students' reported wellness priorities, allowing for informed decision making and optimized resource allocation to meet their well-being needs.

  • Proactive Wellness Programming:

    Spend more time doing the health promotion and prevention work you love, by offering your students a proactive, holistic, campus-wide solution that helps improve the well-being of all of your students.

Embedding well-being into your individual department or across your entire campus.

We'll partner closely with you to better understand your specific needs, and collaborate to establish a simple, smooth, and cost-effective implementation plan that's aligned with your mission, goals, and budget.

Implementation Strategy

Orientation Programming

  • Offer the card sort as an activity for students to do before they arrive on campus, &/or during the first week of school, to get them thinking about their well-being priorities & what they need to succeed as they transition to school.
  • Use as a way to introduce the mental health & wellness resources available on campus.
  • Highlight your school's commitment to helping new students take care of their well-being from day-one.

First Year Experience

  • Include in your FYE curriculum to help normalize prioritizing mental health & well-being.
  • Assign as pre-work & discuss wellness goals and strategies in pairs, small groups, &/or as a class.
  • Help students develop critical life skills & build agency in advocating for their own well-being.
  • Improve well-being literacy on campus.

Peer Mentoring & Education

  • Use as a peer-to-peer mentoring tool for exploring and articulating mental health & well-being needs.
  • Provide as a paired goal-setting activity.
  • Use as a structure for support & accountability to help students following through with their well-being goals.

Wellness Programming

  • Use as a homework assignment & discussion activity for wellness workshops & classes.
  • Use in one-on-one wellness counseling sessions.
  • Offer as a standing resource on your Wellness Services webpage.
  • Encourage students to use the tool during Wellness & Stress Buster Weeks.

Counseling & Advising

  • Offer as part of the intake process to help students prepare for individual or group counseling or advising sessions.
  • Provide as a grounding exercise for students who are feeling overwhelmed or distressed.
  • Use as a guide to help students develop a specific well-being goal and action steps for taking care of their mental health & well-being.

Residential Life Programming

  • Help roommates & dorm communities talk openly with each other about their wellness priorities.
  • Encourage them to support one another in reaching their goals & serve as accountability partners.


  • Provide as a pre-season wellness check-in & goal setting exercise for student athletes.
  • Offer during times of high stress as a grounding & resilience building activity.
  • Use for team-building , group support & accountability.

"The Wellness Card Sort gives us a current snapshot of student wellness priorities. We’re using this information to make strategic decisions about wellness programming to address student needs in the moment."

- Paula Fitzpatrick, Director, Center for Well-Being, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

WPI Case Study

Contact us to learn more